

What is LOVE ?

LOVE is about how someone makes them feel or how they feel about someone else. Something that we make us comfortable, happy and satisfy. Through LOVE you feel how you are important for someone.

buildingrelationship-161009071325-thumbnail-3What is RELATIONSHIP ?

Relationship don’t need promises or terms and conditions. Just two people who Love each other and want to be togethe

“Eight Steps to Find True Love”

If you want to find true love, you must make it a priority. With the new year in full swing and Valentines Day coming near… I have an important question for you: What are you doing about not having love in your life? Imagine if you were losing your job or wanted to make more money; looking for one would be your absolute priority. You’d spend hours networking, calling recruiters, developing a strategy to get promoted, or work with a business coach. And you wouldn’t give up. Sure, you might have some bad days—in fact you’d expect some challenges. But as a smart, powerful woman, you’d pick yourself back up, knowing that if you stayed the course, you’d get what you want. That’s how I want you to approach finding love this year. I want you to make it an absolute priority, knowing that if you stay the course, you will get the relationship you want. No more excuses. No more giving up after a few bad dates. Now I know what you’re thinking: if it is meant to be, it will just happen. Would you approach any other goal in your life with this mind-set? Yes, divine timing plays a roll. But, as the saying goes, luck happens when preparation meets opportunity. Mr. Right could be behind you in the checkout line, but if you’re not ready and in the right confident mindset, you might never turn around to see him.

Continue reading ““Eight Steps to Find True Love””

“Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.” ~Dalai Lama

Though Valentine’s Day is coming up next month, this is not a post about romance. It’s about any relationship—with your brother, your mother, your coworker, or your friend. And I admit I am not an expert. I’ve made a million and one mistakes in relationships. I’ve expected too much. Or not asked for what I needed in fear of rocking the boat. I’ve been competitive. I’ve been suspicious. I’ve been dependent. I’d like to think what redeems me from all these mistakes is that I’ve also been honest. Being self aware, in my opinion, is far more valuable than being perfect—mostly because the former is attainable and helpful, while the latter is neither. Relationships are not easy. They mirror everything we feel about ourselves. When you’ve had a bad day, the people around you seem difficult. When you’re not happy with yourself, your relationships seem to be lacking. If you’ve ever gotten in a fight only to find yourself wondering what you were really upset about, this post may help you. If you’ve ever been disappointed because someone didn’t meet your expectations, this post may help you, too. Feel walked on and unheard? You guessed it—there’s likely something in here that will help you change that. We don’t live in a vacuum. We have thoughts and feelings that can be confusing. Other people do too. And just like in the movie Crash , they don’t always collide smoothly. When I apply these ideas, I feel confident, strong, compassionate, and peaceful in my interactions. I hope they can do the same for you.

The Stranger Who Changed My Life: A Short Love Story In this true short love story, a party girl meets her match as she passes through Montana with a traveling show. BY JONI RODGERS

In I The 717 SHARES 1983, I was traveling with a tiny theater company doing vaudeville-type shows in community centers and bars—anywhere we could earn $25 each plus enough gas money to get to the next small town in our ramshackle yellow bus. As we passed through Bozeman, Montana, in early February, a heavy snow slowed us down. The radio crackled warnings about black ice and poor visibility, so we opted to impose on friends who were doing a production of Fiddler on the Roof at Montana State University. See a show, hit a few bars, sleep on a sofa: This is as close to prudence as it gets when you’re an itinerant 20-something troubadour.
After the show, well-wishers and stagehands milled behind the curtain. I hugged my coat around me, humming that
“If I Were a Rich Man” riff from the show, aching for sunrise and sunset, missing my sisters. What a wonderful show that was—and is. A heavy metal door swung open, allowing in a blast of frigid air, and clanged shut behind two men who stomped snow from their boots. One was big and bearlike in an Irish wool sweater and gaiters; the other was as tall and skinny as a chimney sweep in a peacoat. “… but I’m just saying, it would be nice to see some serious theater,” one of them said. “Chekhov, Ibsen, anything but this musical comedy shtick.” “Excuse me?” I huffed, hackles raised. “Anyone who doesn’t think comedy is an art form certainly hasn’t read much Shakespeare, have they?” I informed them that I was a “professional shticktress” and went on to deliver a tart, pedantic lecture on the French neoclassics, the cultural impact of Punch and Judy as an I Love Lucy prototype, and the importance of Fiddler on the Roof as both artistic and oral history. The shrill diatribe left a puff of frozen breath in the air. I felt my snootiness showing like a stray bra strap as the sweep in the peacoat rolled his eyes and walked away. The bear stood there for a moment, an easy smile in his brown eyes. Then he put his arms around me and whispered in my ear, “I love you.” EDWIN FOTHIN



The 10 Qualities Good Boyfriends Have By Chrissy Stockton

1. He’s actually your boyfriend. I know this seems obvious but if you’re reading an internet list about him and whether he’s your boyfriend and he won’t allow you to actually call him your boyfriend, he’s probably not a “good” boyfriend. Good guys are good people and good people know who they are and what they want and are confident enough to go after it — whether it is a relationship and a family or (for now) working so much they don’t have the time and energy left to invest in that — but either way, you’ll know. There’s no shadyness present.
2. You feel lucky to have him. He’s the kind of guy that you’re excited to bring around your friends or take home to meet your parents — and you don’t need to coach him in the car on the drive there. You trust him to make a great impression because, why wouldn’t he? He’s a genuinely good person and people can see that. You’ll never have to have those awkward apology phone calls where you say something like, “Nick is a good guy but he just isn’t social/gets angry sometimes/doesn’t make a good first impression.” He’s not perfect by any means, but he doesn’t have such glaring faults that you need to apologize for him every time you bring him around people.
3. He’s had to work for it It’s actually a much safer bet to date a guy who isn’t model looking or born into a rich family, it’s easy for people in those circumstances to fall into the entitlement trap. They are used to being handed things that make them happy instead of problem solving and figuring it out on their own. Unless your guys has done the work to grow out of that, a fair indicator you’ve got a good boyfriend is that he’s earned the things he has through his own work.

Continue reading “The 10 Qualities Good Boyfriends Have By Chrissy Stockton”

9 Thoughts That Give You Strength to End a Painful Relationship By Naïby Jacques

1. One day these painful moments will be a distant memory. Think about your past relationships—the one you had fifteen years ago, the one you had ten years ago, or the one you had five years ago. They aren’t your current reality. Whatever current reality you’re living in will also become a memory five, ten, or fifteen years down the road. Thinking this way helped me lessen the importance of constantly keeping them in my mind.
2. We’ll both be thankful I took action instead of regretful I didn’t. When I projected myself into the future without the other person, I imagined an alternate life where both of us were with the right person. I imagined us being happy. And then I’d think: how could we hate each other for meeting the real loves of our lives? Of course in the present moment, we’d be regretful, but in a different time of our lives, we surely would be thankful that someone decided to end things so we could be happier. Why not let that someone be you?
3. Losing someone who makes me unhappy is actually not a loss; it’s a gain. Losing someone might make you feel like a loser. But if you think of the action of losing someone who makes you unhappy and wonder what it would feel like, it changes your perspective on things. When I did this, I felt strong. Because I then had the willingness to move, correct, and change the course of my life. And that’s an achievement in itself. Getting away from someone who brings you torment is the biggest relief. It makes you regain your freedom, your energy, and your life.
4. Maybe we were meant to cross paths with each other, not meant to walk our paths together. Don Miguel Ruiz, the author of The Four Agreements, teaches us that we’re all messengers. We receive messages, or teachings, from people all around us. And we receive them at certain moments in our lives. Just as teachers came and went in school, other people will also come and go as life, or the school of life, goes on. And if you have nothing else to learn from someone, it’s simply time to take the other person’s lessons gratefully and continue to walk your path.
5. A relationship is a chapter in my life, not my life’s entire story. Imagine being the author of your own adventure book. Picture yourself reading it and finishing a chapter. Then ask yourself: what will happen in the next chapter? And since you’re the writer of your own book, you can add as many chapters as you want. This approach really helped me get excited for my next adventure—which I admit, might be a little scary too.

Continue reading “9 Thoughts That Give You Strength to End a Painful Relationship By Naïby Jacques”


527614-forgiveness-thinkstock-121016Forgiveness is an art form that takes practice. It’s not something you ever fully master, as life moves on and each passing moment brings new experiences and new ways we can be upset or hurt. Each situation is a chance to grow and become more awake to a better life.
I used to be so angry at the world, my family, and mostly, myself. I regret some of the things I’ve done in the past, but I know the best apology you can ever give is changed behavior, and that is exactly what I have done. I have changed how I treat others and how I respond when they hurt me.
With commitment to change and increased meditation, I am working on forgiveness constantly. Each time a memory comes up or I see something that upsets me from my past, I send it love. The way to a better life is through love. Through love, we can forgive.
I release my anger toward others, as it doesn’t assist me. Each time I feel a pang of jealousy, anger, or annoyance, I forgive myself and let it go. Forgiveness is an act of self-love .
When working on forgiveness and opening your heart, painful feelings and memories may come up. But the rewards of choosing to stay open and forgive far outweigh the negatives.
When we work on becoming open and eradicating all that blocks us, this opens us to love and possibility. When we hold in anger, we carry that situation or person with us and keep hurting ourselves. Why would you want to keep hurting yourself?
You’ll never move forward unless you let go.

Sometimes when you lose your way, you find yourself.

f93f381f357bc10cfcf185c398ad023e.jpgAccording Mandy Hale ever since I can remember, I was determined, even desperate, to find love. My life felt empty and lonely.
I wanted to be happy and feel loved. I believed everything would be all right if only I had my man.
For years my self-esteem was non-existent. I had no clue how to build a relationship with a man. I had no boundaries. I felt unworthy and unlovable.
I started dating online. I kept meeting different men and occasionally I would meet someone who I would see for a while.
Because of my low self-esteem and desperation, I often ended up with men who were not ready to commit or couldn’t give me what I needed.
After a few months I would feel drained and the relationship would come to an end. Again, I would find myself back on the dating scene desperately looking for Mr. Right: flicking through tonnes of profiles, interacting with hundreds of men and meeting a handful of them only to find out that I had nothing in common with most of them. It was frustrating and disheartening.
I was stuck in this cycle for years. A relationship, a breakup, serial dating; a relationship, a breakup, serial dating …
It was an emotional roller coaster: of hopes and disappointments, loneliness and tears, rejection and heartbreak, with the odd bit of fun.
After my last low quality relationship, I panicked. I was thirty. I had no husband, no kids, no house, nothing to my name. And I still thought that having a man was the solution.
I redoubled my efforts, going on a string of boring and uninspiring dates with guys who had nothing to offer.
By this point, I was absolutely exhausted with the whole thing. I was tired of dating and chasing love, tired of waiting for The One, tired of hoping, tired of having to constantly pick myself up and put myself back in the dating game.
At that point I had lost my all faith in love, which although didn’t feel nice, was the best thing that could have ever happened to me.
After one of my boring dates, I woke up the next morning and couldn’t even remember the guy’s name. It felt wrong.
I reflected upon my last few dates and realized that I didn’t want to waste my time any more.
This was the moment of truth. For the first time in my dating career I was honest with myself and admitted that all my crazy dating efforts hadn’t brought me my desired outcome. I was nowhere even close to finding The One.
I felt useless. I felt like a failure. I felt like there was something fundamentally wrong with me since I couldn’t even find one freaking man with whom I could be happy. How much dating do you have to do to find one man, right?
I sat down and asked myself a few questions: Why am I running away from myself? Why do I so desperately want to have a relationship? Why can I not stop dating and just be with myself for a while? And most importantly, what am I learning from being single? That was it. I took a notebook and started writing and the answers kept flowing.
After asking myself these fundamental questions, I realized that the only thing to do was to stop dating. I wanted to take some time out to re-evaluate my approach to love and romantic relationships.
I deleted my online profiles and cancelled my memberships. I started my dating detox.
I felt a deep desire to reconnect with myself. For about two years I didn’t even think about men. I focused on myself. I didn’t pursue anything. I stopped hoping. I let go of my expectations. I was free.
I began to appreciate many things about my single status. I found so many blessings in living my life as a single person. I genuinely started to like being single rather than run away from it.
The more I connected with myself, the less lonely and desperate I felt. I stopped fearing lonely weekends as I filled them with things I loved doing. Life became easier.
I started to enjoy spending time on my own. I became comfortable with silence and solitude. Bit by bit I was finding myself. Then one day, I felt complete for the first time in my life. I had found my bliss.
After my transformation, I was ready to date again—just for fun, with no expectations. I definitely wasn’t looking for a serious relationship.
The quality of my dates improved as I became more selective and had stronger boundaries.
I went out with a few high quality men and I enjoyed my dates even though I didn’t click with them romantically. I had more fun.
A few short months after my detox, I met a charming, wise, mindful and very loving English man who exceeded all my expectations. I fell in love with him and he fell in love with me.
For the first time in my life, I am in a happy and healthy relationship with a man, not a boy, for a change.
And together we have a little munchkin who has brought even more fun and happiness to our lives. This is something I had given up on a long time ago; with my luck in love I didn’t believe that I would ever find a man who I could have a family with.

“Some people think that it’s holding on that makes one strong; sometimes it’s letting go.”

cropped-cute-love-images.jpgSometimes we prolong relationships for the sake of comfort and familiarity. We’re fearful of what’s out there, and life without a partner. No matter how many times we’ve been hurt, taken for granted, or had our needs neglected, we still choose to stay even if our mind and heart strongly suggest otherwise.
I thought I was strong for putting up with my ex’s mistreatment. I had held the ability to forgive in high regard, and I wanted to keep that standard.
I’m not exaggerating when I say I’ve been dumped fifty times by the same person, yet I put my happiness aside for them. I can’t even count the number of nights I cried myself to sleep. Even in the shower, I found myself taking longer than I used to because I shed my tears there, where nobody would find out.
The worst part was when I could no longer fully express my feelings to other people due to the fear of getting hurt as I was being hurt in my relationship. I tried hard to numb my emotions so I wouldn’t have to deal with the pain, but that also meant being unable to feel joy or any other positive emotion.
The last straw happened when I went on a three-week vacation in Canada and the United States. We didn’t communicate often due to my ex’s work, and I was touring different places with my family, so Internet wasn’t accessible at all times.
I hadn’t felt so free in a long while. I focused on seeing the world and spending my time with my loved ones, and I didn’t miss my ex one bit. Coming home from a vacation always gave me post-travel depression, but this one hit me much harder, since I knew I had to face the reality of my relationship again.
As expected, within days of my return, my ex and I fought for the nth time. I’ll never forget the exact words that were hurled at me. “You’re a loser. You don’t deserve a vacation.”
The crying and self-loathing came back. Except this time, I knew I had a choice and realized that I was choosing my own
heartbreak . I remember the freedom I’d felt while away and decided I wanted that feeling wherever I went.
It might have been a hard pill to swallow, but after six years of an on-again, off-again relationship, I came to the conclusion that it was time to break it off for good.
The process was far from easy. It was a messy and dramatic breakup, and it took two months until there was absolutely no contact between us. No texts, no calls, no emails or messages on messenger apps, nothing.
We were together for six years, starting in my teens, so initially I had no idea how to move on from somebody who had been present while I was building my identity as a person.
Times like these put us in deep contemplation. We ask ourselves, “Is the sole purpose of my existence for him/her?” Or we tell ourselves, “No one else can make me happy.”
Well, I’m here to tell you that, no, those things aren’t true.
It’s been almost a year now, and things have been incredible for me. I am proud to say that I have moved on 100 percent from my past relationship.

“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong.”

The-weak-can-never-forgive.-Forgiveness-is-the-attribute-of-the-strong..jpgFor many years forgiveness was not in my mind, let alone my vocabulary. I was taught to believe that forgiveness was a sign of weakness, and I certainly did not forgive anyone who hurt me.
In the past, I have engaged in acts of revenge , which I thought was the right thing to do at those times. I was wrong.
One event that springs to my mind was when I was the target of a cruel prank. A group of guys had taunted a young man I knew, telling him that he was “whipped” by his girlfriend, who lived with him. To prove this wasn’t true and that he could “get anyone he wanted,” he pretended to like me and proceeded to call, text, and show an interest in me.
I didn’t know that he had a girlfriend, and I liked him, so I went along with this, unaware of the game. I soon found out what was going on. So, what did I do? I released all hell and vengeance.
I was hurt and embarrassed on so many levels to be the butt of a cruel joke. I felt like everyone was laughing at me behind my back. In retaliation, I contacted his girlfriend, went to their house, and showed her all the messages. We even got him to message me back while I was with her. We then waited for him to come home as we both sat there.
She had thrown all his stuff outside and torn his clothes. She cut his guitar strings in front of him and kicked him out. Did I feel satisfied? I thought I did, but a few days later I felt so guilty. This guy was now homeless, the girl heartbroken, and I looked like a home wrecker. I know I did the right thing in being honest; I just went about it the wrong way.
I have since learned the power of forgiving—both others and myself.
The most important situation where I have forgiven myself was something that happened when I was only thirteen years old. This situation haunted me for many years.
I told my dad I wanted him to die. I know that this happens between children and their parents; however, the difference here is that my dad killed himself that night.
A lot led me to telling my dad to die, that I hated him, and that he would never see my brother or me again. Nonetheless, I said something I regret and I know that he listened to that message.